Enterprise Agreement Proxy Vote

18 Sep Enterprise Agreement Proxy Vote

The Fair Work Act provides that an employer cannot ask workers to vote on a company agreement until the employer has taken three steps, namely: for the Commission to be satisfied that there has been a genuine agreement, the employer must take all appropriate measures before asking the employees: today Santander announced: that it implemented a second pilot project for the vote of blockchain investor representatives at its last Annual General Meeting (AGM). The benefits of the solution are improved transparency of global proxy coordination, improved efficiency, security and analysis. Among the parties that benefit are investors, issuers, agent banks and custodian banks. Since the pre-authorization requirements of the Fair Work Act were not met, the agreement was not eligible. The employer must take all reasonable steps to inform the relevant staff, before the start of the period of access to the contract: once the vote is completed, Vero Voting provides a “declaration of results”, which is a secure PDF with simply the yes / no result. This is then sent to the representative group. Company agreements shall be adopted by a majority of yes or no. . . .

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