Was Ist Ein Grant Agreement

13 Oct Was Ist Ein Grant Agreement

In addition to the scientific report, the host institution must submit a “financial report” at the end of each fiscal year. The ECB`s general grant agreement provides for different reporting periods for financial and scientific reporting. Normally, the financial period is 18 months. For a five-year grant, there are four financial reporting periods; the last financial period is only six months. signature of a grant agreement and the way in which payments are made. The following link to the signing of the contract (“Grant Signature”) also contains information on the topic “Digital Signature”: ec.europa.eu/research/participants/docs/h2020-funding-guide/grants/from-evaluation-to-grant-signature/grant-signature_en.htm Most of the provisions of the GA cannot be changed. However, individual details may be agreed individually with the European Commission/funding agency during the funding phase, such as for example. B the start of the project and the amount of pre-financing. Only one ERC Proof of Concept can be requested for each work programme. The prerequisite is an ERC research base that is ongoing or has been completed less than 12 months before 1 January 2020 for the ERC 2020 work programme. The NKS ERC offers support and experience to all Grantees and institutions that wish to move in the direction of technology transfer with the PoC.

Link to the guide for the creation “Description of the action”: ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/grants_manual/gap/doa/h2020-doa-ria-ia-csa_en.pdf ( H2020 Grants Manual -> Section on grant preparation) If your proposal is accepted, you invite to sign a detailed contract on a grant agreement. Unlike in an actual cost grant, no cost reporting will be necessary for Proof of Concept Grants. So there won`t be financial checkings or audits at project implementation. Nevertheless, the project must meet certain quality conditions and provide the described production, otherwise the lump sum cannot be paid in full and the subsidy will be reduced accordingly. The agreement as a whole and its provisions are not negotiable. Only elements important for financial and contractual management, such as reporting periods and the amount of pre-financing, can be negotiated to adapt to the specific administrative context of each project. The ERC is piloting a flat-rate approach for erc grants for concepts under the 2019 work programme. This means that each successful project will be approved at €150,000. There is no need to make a budget request during the submission phase. Nevertheless, the costs incurred during the project must be narratively described in the proposal. Only costs that would be eligible for a grant of the actual costs can be funded by the lump sum. This may include personal costs, subcontracting and other direct and indirect costs, which may be related to the review of the work, the validation of results, the clarification of IPRs or knowledge transfer strategy, market analysis, etc.


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